这名句很适合形容我们4 sains 1...我们快'冻僵' 了! 功课就是那阵风~~~
常放学后赶补习,补习后赶功课到半夜,功课没做完又要把di hadapan pulau读完......前天才特地半夜爬起来读! 第二天又得早起,快累死了!
上课时眼睛是半关的,尤其在sivik和add maths 的节...闷到~~~~~~~~~~
一个星期没有一天休息! 全班已经像熊猫的亲戚...可以看得出大家都很拼!
'form 4 is not a honeymoon year! u all must study hard...so that next year u all wont drop class...it had been a tradision that most of the 4 sc 1 students will drop to sc 3 or 4 in form 5'
为了那'梅花香' 我们被'折磨'.......ridiculous........
我很希望可以回到lower form,那轻松的校园生活~~~
再不久就要搞活动了...我的生活会更忙! 救命!
老师!同情一下我们这些学生吧! 虽然很多人都'kiasu'...不过再怕输,人都是会累的~~~我们不是superman!!!
5 則留言:
stressful.. that is the only word that can be used to describe upper form life..
u will find that.. form 5 is even more stressful..
i am now in form 5.. but i think.. form 4 is my most memorable year in secondary school life.. ya.. it is.. really a honeymoon year..
haha.. although it is a honeymoon year.. but still have to study lar.. 一二月只是段适应期,你会慢慢习惯的
gambateh! enjoy your form 4 life^^
which teacher says that is a total noob...
yea.. some does drop.. as far as i know only a handfull.. nt so bad de lah...
take it easy know....
push so hard by d time frm5 liao all lembik..
how to go on fighting...
nvm.. u can de..
mew o mew.. GO GO GO..!!!
yuan chen: thx ya...
hope u can do well in
ur form5 study ya.....
onslaught: tlc say wan lo...sampat teacher...thx for ur support ya.....