2009年4月10日 星期五


Yepp! Seriously, i hate tlc...geli...i heard that our classmates are going to complain about her. hoo......really? WHATEVER! Boring...

Wow! the time are running fast...now already April. our trainees teacher are going to leave us jor... Our Bio teacher-Lim and Phy+ M.Maths teacher-Ange=ang ger ger...haha! thx u ya.....

During d free period, km and low was discuss with us about d farewell...then, the conclusion is > Jetty!!! OMG!!! my father sure won't let me go wan! T.T sob.......

After lim and ange left, d new teacher Pn Kalai and Mr Chua will take back our class...haiya! cannot play already.

I really hope i cn go the farewell leh.........

Add maths nearly make me mad!!! My brain keep getting stucked! Shit!

《So long never write in English. So BROKEN!!! can't even make a proper sentence........T.T》

8 則留言:

hong~弘 提到...

for ur addmaths n english,
i got 1 sentence to advise..
"proper practice make perfect"

regarding de farewell,
u try persuade ur pa..
he is so good,
i think he will understand de..
tell him that's ur last chance to see de teachers...
if pa still dun allow,
cry in front of him..
Wahaha ^.^

mewie 提到...

u cry for me la...=.="

mewie 提到...

im crocodile tears!

远尘 提到...

ur english where got broken wor..
still ok ok lar.. haha
at least.. you are better than me..

mewie 提到...

really broken...
u said im better than u de? ur eng gud than me leh

远尘 提到...

haha.. i long time no use eng to write ady lo.. how you know my english better than you?

疯小孩 提到...

better than mine~muahahha!!

hong~弘 提到...

cry for u d..